A Look Back at 2013

Well hello there, long time no speak. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas break. I've been having a fabulous time home with my crew. It's time to start looking ahead at the year to come but before I do all that I wanted to take a look back at 2013.

Oh what a year it has been! It marked my first year blogging, I've met some wonderful people and been featured on some amazingly popular blogs. My writing and photography skills have grown and I can't wait to see what else this little blog of mine will teach me.

In no particular order, here are 12 of my top viewed post from 2013
Click on the links below each picture to view that post
Chevron Chic: Hello Teen Room Reveal
Simple Syrup
DIY Curtain Rod
Monogram Stocking Letters
Organize It: Filing System
Gold Everything: Side Table Makeover
Be Prepared: First Aid Kit

Going through my past post showed me how busy I actually was this year. I had forgotten about many of my past projects and I am so glad that I started this blog. In a way it is like a personal time capsule that I get to share with all of you.

See ya soon!

Linking up with Rhonda from Southern Hospitality!

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  1. What a great year Darnetha, so glad to have discovered you and your blog! CHEERS to 2013 and 2014!

  2. You had an amazing year! Looking forward to your upcoming post!!

  3. Cheers Darling! 2013 has been a great blogging year. So excited to see more of your creativity in the new year!

  4. Happy Year New!! So many great projects :) Looking forward to 2014 blog posts! :)


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