Kids Rock Marathon 2016

On May 1, 2016 my youngest son ran in the Kids Rock Marathon in Nashville. The kids marathon basically works like this, over the course of 2 months your little marathoner will log a few miles a week leading up until race day. On race day they complete the last mile of 26.2 miles.

There were a lot of local schools, churches, groups, and individual families running in the marathon! It was a hot afternoon with a threat of thunderstorms looming in the distance. The races were pushed up with age groups being lumped together. Luckily the rain held off and everyone got to race!

This was a fantastic experience not only for my son but for the entire family! My son chose to run with his Dad on race day which was extra special. Many of you know that last year my husband and I started training for the half-marathon. Due to complications with shin splints I can not run, not even now. My husband continued to train until March when he unfortunately had a mini stroke. This run, a year later, no matter the distance meant a lot.

And race they did, they both came in at 8 min 26 sec!

I asked my son what he remembered from this day and what he liked about it, his answers made me shake my head, laugh, and smile.
  1. I dusted my friends!
  2. My metal!
  3. The snacks at the finish line and fun things afterwards like the bouncy castles!
  4. I got to race with all my friends!
  5. I didn't like that I sweated a lot!
Race Day | One Mile To Go
I hope to bring you family related post, a couple of Wednesday's out each month. Tell me what you would like to see us do or visit next in Nashville. See ya soon!

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  1. This is very special knowing all you was faced with, but to see you all was there to finish together is a blessing, keep loving each other

    1. Thank you! It was a blessing seeing them finish together knowing what our circumstances were just a year earlier. It was a lot of fun, maybe next year you can be there to.

  2. Awe Darnetha you got some great shots! Looks like some lasting memories were made! Congrats to your son and husband!

    1. These shots were taken by the event photographers and they are absolutely amazing! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. So cute Darnetha and I love the things he remembered, lmao. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to more family posts.

    1. He is a mess Erin! I hope to bring a family related outing to the blog every month!


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